Empowering Ideas through Decentralized Finance

Europe needs real change—powered by ideas, not bureaucracy. Through blockchain and DeFi, we unlock new possibilities by ensuring transparency, autonomy, and accountability.

Submit and vote on ideas. Influence change. Make Europe Great Again.

Interested in supporting the initiative?

ETH Base Chain $MEGA:
Buy MEGA on Uniswap

Make Europe Great Again

What is needed to Make Europe Great Again?

Ideas transcend politics. The opinions of people are many, nuanced, and powerful. Do you have a suggestion on how to make Europe better? Share your ideas (under 500 characters), and vote for or share the suggestions that resonates with you. By pooling our voices, we can inspire action and pressure decision makers to create change.


MEGA Community Charity Fund

At each of the four major market cap milestones below, a portion of funds will be donated to a charity chosen by the community. Join us on the journey to $1B and help create real change!

More details on community voting and fund allocation will be shared soon. Stay tuned!



Fair community launch – all tokens are freely accessible on the open market.

Basescan Token Tracker